Prior to beginning a full course of study, the new convert needs to learn some basic essentials related to prayers, food and dress codes and the moral principles behind the pillars of Islam and Faith in order to help them get through the weeks ahead. It is an extension of the previous course,"The First Day" and, as such focuses on the critical issues, which will also provide a solid foundation for the continual building of his/her knowledge of Islam.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes

This course is specially designed to explain some of the most important points that the new Muslim should be conscious of on the very first day of their conversion to Islam which are often neglected by those individuals or centers responsible for their conversion. The purpose of the course is to make the new Muslim's entrance into a new way of life easier and smoother. It focuses on the ten most critical elements which they should grasp in the transition into a practicing Muslim.
Duration: Self paced
Certification: Yes